Show your true colors... Abby Magruder, Pres.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Looking forward to fall

As I put away my summer placemats and got the Halloween decorations out this week, I thought about the bittersweet end of summer. While we hate to say good bye, it’s always nice to have something new to look forward to. As Ecclesiates says, “To everything a season” and as my grandmother used to say, “This too shall pass.”

Things change, don't they?

Years ago, club work and being lady of the house was vastly different from today. Many ladies had household help which enabled them to put on luncheons and get out the silver tea service. If you’ve read the book “The Help” you will know what I mean. Today we are lucky if we all have the same day available for a meeting and can get 4 matching coffee mugs together. Now days, we all wear so many hats and juggle so many balls. Rather than club "work", I like to think we have club "fun". 

Change isn't easy, even when it's just the season.  This old world turns, and we go along for the ride.  But having something to look forward to makes saying goodbye to the old times so much easier.  So goodbye to summer!  We loved ya' but we like our sweaters and cozy fires as well.   We have club fun to look forward to and good friends to share it with.

See you at the October meeting! 
