Show your true colors... Abby Magruder, Pres.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Volunteering at CZC

Hello friends!

As you may know, the Lee District project this year is to support Comfort Zone Camp, a camp/retreat for children who've lost a loved one. Recently I volunteered at the camp to help with Arts & Crafts. It was an intense and rewarding experience.

There were 60 or so campers of all ages. We set up tables in the dining hall and set out lighthouses for them to paint. While we worked, we couldn't help reading the message board provided for kids to write notes to their loved ones. Some, at the bottom, were childish scrawls with heartbreakingly simply messages: "Mom, I love you." "I wish you didn't go away." As the messages progressed up the board they became increasingly enlightened. "I know you are watching me." And finally, at the top, "I'm rooting for our football team! Go Steelers!"

I actually didn't meet or work with the campers. A bit a of snafoo got the timing wrong. But just being in that room with those messages, I felt surrounded by angels and I know the messages were received.

Before I left, I made a luminary for my mom, who died in 2001. On a bright pink paper bag I wrote, "Dear Mom, I love you. I miss your chocolate cake."

I do. I left knowing my message would help light the path to the campfire. A small glowing light in the dark to help campers see their way.

If you can, please consider volunteering. They also need TONS of sharpie markers, hotel-size soap and shampoo, gift cards for children who arrive in winter with only flip-flops, twin sheets and other necessities we take for granted. God blesses any offering!

Abby Magruder
First Vice President

Welcome to a new club year!

As Thomas Jefferson Juniors, we are enjoying over 60 years as a federated club. Our club is one where friendships flourish, projects grow and membership thrives. The ideas we've shared with one another are becoming realities. I am inspired by our members, not only in what we are able to accomplish, but also in what we are willing to accomplish.

The 2009-2010 year promises to be another year where we "See the beauty of service to others!" I hope you will join me as we begin our new club year.

Susan Beller, President


President, Abby Magruder
1st Vice President, Amanda Haithcock
2nd Vice President, Sandy Walton
Secretary/Treasurer, Susan Beller

Contact Us

Interested in membership? We'd love to talk to you!

Email us at "tjjuniors" at or leave a comment (including your contact information.)  

Thanks for your interest.


Club Meetings...
General membership meetings are held the third Monday of each month from September through May. Meetings start at 7:15 pm.

Membership is easy...

About us

Established and federated in 1946, we are a non-profit volunteer organization of civic minded women. We support a wide variety of charitable organizations and community services through financial and volunteer assistance.

We are members of Lee District GFWC, and GFWC Virginia (General Federation of Women's Clubs) located in Richmond, Virginia.